Spring Equinox Soundbath: A Deep Cleanse for Renewal
Friday 21st March
Doors open 8PM for the soundbath to start at 8:15PM
Location: Wereham Village Hall
As we welcome in the Spring Equinox, we embrace a time of balance, renewal, and fresh beginnings.
This soundbath is designed to help shift the stagnancy of winter, gently guiding you through a cleansing and clearing process for both your physical and emotional bodies.
Through deeply resonant sounds, you’ll be held in a space of warmth and transformation, allowing the vibrational frequencies to shift all that you are holding back to a healthier way of feeling.
This is mix of both relaxing and deeper sounds, all held with intention, a soundbath journey to clear the path for new energy, growth, and joy as we step fully into spring.
For those that don’t know me, I am a professionally trained Integral Sound healing Practitioner,
trained with The Sound Healing Academy.
I am trained in multi instrument use and the many ways that sound works on the body.
Join me in this deeply nourishing experience and emerge feeling lighter, clearer, and ready to embrace the season of Spring.
For all you need to know inc what to bring and to book ,
I will gently guide you through this event so suitable for those new to sound as well as welcoming back those who havent been before.
I look forward to welcoming you there!
For more details and to book head to robynwren.co.uk/soundbaths