I am writing to let you know that, in consultation with the Parish Council, a Book of Condolence has been set up in the Community Room at the Village Hall.
All residents of Wereham will be able to come to the Village Hall from today Friday 9th September between 1 and 2 pm. Then again Saturday 10th September from 10am to12 pm. Then from Monday 12th Sept to Wednesday 14th Sept from 9am to 4 pm; Thursday 15th and Friday 16th September from 9am to 2 pm; Tuesday 20 September from 9am to 4 pm, to sign the book of condolence on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Anyone not able to attend during these times is invited to email werehampc@gmail.com or telephone 07795006811 to discuss. Email messages can be printed and placed in the condolence book also by the Parish Council. The condolence book will remain open until the day after the funeral. Should residents wish to lay flowers during this time, they may do so at the Wereham War Memorial. At the end of the mourning period, at 9 am the day following the funeral, there will be a ceremonial removal of the flowers. Any message cards will be kept with the condolence book as part of the local archive.
Additionally St Margaret's Church will be open for prayers, reflection and candle lighting from 10am to 4pm today and next week from 10am to 12pm and 6pm to 8pm every day.