MAKE AND MARDLE Wereham Village Hall
We’re sure you’ll have heard of KNIT & NATTER groups, but Wereham ladies like to include everyone, so we’ve added ‘CROCHET CHATTER’ – and there’s a Warm Wereham Welcome for Weavers too!
Our monthly ‘Make and Mardle’ mornings are held in the foyer of the Village Hall, on the third Tuesday of the month, from 10am-Noon.
(dates for the rest of 2023 will therefore be Tuesdays 19th September; 17th October; 21st November and 19th December).
Pop along for a good old chin-wag alongside your crafting – there’s no admission charge. Tea, coffee (to whet your whistle!) and biscuits will be available to buy. Everyone is welcome, including those who would like to learn to knit or crochet – we’ll be more than happy to help with that.
For more information please contact Rosemary on 01366 501330 or 07749 240606 or email: or call
Angela on 01366 500115