Wereham Village Hall

Christmas Party Night

Wereham Village Hall

Wereham Village hall dancing to live band Gravel Road 7.30 until 11:30 £10 per ticket including buffett Bar and raffle Tickets available from the Village Hall (pop in or call 01366 502214) or call Cliff & Angela on 07722 009507 All Proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Charity Registration No 1168472

Pop Up Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Serving a choice of hot drinks and home-made cakes and pastries for £2.00 and for a wholesome lunch at just £2.50. BRING YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS : EVERYONE’S WELCOME All proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Registered Charity No 1168472 For further information call Doreen on 01366 500218

Painting Classes

Wereham Village Hall

Offering a broad approach, encouraging both observation and new ways of looking, by exploring a variety of techniques and experimental approaches which can be fun and trigger the imagination. Working in different media (watercolour, inks, acrylics, oil or chalk pastels) Open to beginners & those with previous experience. Tutor Jill has 30 years of teaching […]

Quiz Night

Wereham Village Hall

Saturday 10th December, from 7:00pm Tickets £5 per person (includes jacket potato supper, so please pre-book your tickets) PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS & GLASSWARE For more information and to book/buy your tickets please pop in to the Village Hall office, call 01366 502214 or email villagehallwereham@gmail.com or call John Eastgate on 01366 500766 All Proceeds […]

Community Hot-Spot

Wereham Village Hall

Wereham Village Hall’s Community Hotspot (Warm Space) is opening on Monday, December 12th, from 10am to 3pm. As part of the Government supported initiative, we will be offering a free warm space, hot drinks, snacks and light lunches to all members of the local and wider community - whether you’re concerned about turning on your […]

Christmas Prize Bingo

Wereham Village Hall

Christmas Prize Bingo Doors Open 6.15pm Eyes Down 7.30pm Any enquiries to the Village Hall – 01366 502214, Angela - 01366 500115 or Diane - 01366 500798 All proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Registered Charity: 1168472

Winter Solstice Celebration

Wereham Village Hall

A Winter Ritual to Reset your Rhythm Join Sound and Ground and Earth & Ether for a festive celebration indulging in some radiant rest on the eve of the Winter Solstice at Wereham Village Hall We'll seal in the Solstice magic with seasonal drinks and treats! Tuesday 20th December 7 - 8:30 PM Wereham Village […]

Painting Classes

Wereham Village Hall

Offering a broad approach, encouraging both observation and new ways of looking, by exploring a variety of techniques and experimental approaches which can be fun and trigger the imagination. Working in different media (watercolour, inks, acrylics, oil or chalk pastels) Open to beginners & those with previous experience. Tutor Jill has 30 years of teaching […]


Community Lunch Hub & Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Since the launch of the local Community Hotspot in December, we have been delighted to welcome local residents, people from surrounding villages, and further afield, to the Village Hall - an excellent place for people to get together for a chat, a hot drink and a bite to eat. With effect from Monday, 16th January, the Community Lunch Hub […]

Ticket events are payable from the village hall staff members between 9.00 and 3pm weekdays only. Some tickets may be available on the door. We regret that we are unable to refund un-used tickets.