Wereham Village Hall

Carboot and Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Main Hall – monthly Wereham Car Boot and Cafe is held on the last Sunday of every month, 8.00am until 1pm. Cafe opens from 8am. We serve Bacon Rolls, Sausage in a Roll or Egg in a Roll. There is always plenty of tea and coffee on offer. A Children’s Playground and a warm and […]

Dance Night with Ricky Solo

Wereham Village Hall

Dance night with dancing or socialising in our unique super-modern hall to the unforgettable sounds of RICKY SOLO SATURDAY 5th FEBRUARY 2022 7.30pm to 11.30pm CASH BAR & RAFFLE Admission £10 per adult kids under 12 accompanied by adult(s) £1 in each case to include a simple light supper Tickets on line or from the […]

£1 – £10

Cinema Night ‘No Time to Die’

Wereham Village Hall

Bar opens 6.45pm Programme begins 7.30pm Tickets (Over 16's) £5 (12 - 16) £3 Available on line or from the village hall (10am to 3pm) & on the door Wereham Village Hall CIO, Registered Charity Number 1168472 Funding for the cinema project was provided through WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund

£3 – £5

Carboot and Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Main Hall – monthly Wereham Car Boot and Cafe is held on the last Sunday of every month, 8.00am until 1pm. Cafe opens from 8am. We serve Bacon Rolls, Sausage in a Roll or Egg in a Roll. There is always plenty of tea and coffee on offer. A Children’s Playground and a warm and […]

Quiz Night

Wereham Village Hall

Wereham Village Hall are holding a quiz night on Saturday 12th March 2022. This event starts at 7.00pm. Entry by Tickets only - £5 per person Ticket price includes for a hot dog supper please bring your own drinks and glassware To book tickets please contact The Village Hall Office on 01366 502214 or John […]

Dance Night

Wereham Village Hall

Saturday 19th March 2022 7.30pm until 11.15pm Cash bar and raffle plus a irish bingo Bring your own nibbles Admissions £7 per head kids under 11 accompanied by parent(s) go free Tickets from Ron Thursday morning at the hall or telephone on 01406 350732 / 07554 008221 to book Raffle and Irish Bingo proceeds will […]

Cinema Night ‘Blended’

Wereham Village Hall

Bar opens 6.45pm Programme begins 7.30pm Tickets (Over 16's) £5 (12 - 16) £3 Available on line or from the village hall (10am to 3pm) & on the door Wereham Village Hall CIO, Registered Charity Number 1168472 Funding for the cinema project was provided through WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund

£3 – £5

Carboot and Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Main Hall – monthly Wereham Car Boot and Cafe is held on the last Sunday of every month, 8.00am until 1pm. Cafe opens from 8am. We serve Bacon Rolls, Sausage in a Roll or Egg in a Roll. There is always plenty of tea and coffee on offer. A Children’s Playground and a warm and […]

Pop Up Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Serving a choice of hot drinks and home-made cakes and pastries for £1.50 and for a wholesome lunch at just £2.50 there's Leek and Potato soup served with a fresh roll and butter. BRING YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS : EVERYONE’S WELCOME All proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Registered Charity No 1168472 For further information […]

Easter Prize Bingo

Wereham Village Hall

Easter Prize Bingo, doors open 6:30pm eyes down 7:30pm Raffle and refreshments All proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Registered Charity No 1168472

Ticket events are payable from the village hall staff members between 9.00 and 3pm weekdays only. Some tickets may be available on the door. We regret that we are unable to refund un-used tickets.