Wereham Village Hall

Operation Mincemeat

Wereham Village Hall

Bar opens 6.45pm Programme begins 7.30pm Tickets (Over 16’s) £5 (12 – 16) £3 Available on line or from the village hall (10am to 3pm) & on the door Wereham Village Hall CIO, Registered Charity Number 1168472 Funding for the cinema project was provided through WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund

£3 – £5.00

Carboot and Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Main Hall – monthly Wereham Car Boot and Cafe is held on the last Sunday of every month, 8.00am until 1pm. Cafe opens from 8am. We serve Bacon Rolls, Sausage in a Roll or Egg in a Roll. There is always plenty of tea and coffee on offer. A Children’s Playground and a warm and […]

Craft Group

Wereham Village Hall

MEETS ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH – 10:30am-1pm Learn New Skills, Share Ideas, Create New Friendships … for more information, please call Rosemary on 01366 501330

Family Beetle Drive

Wereham Village Hall

Wereham Village Hall Invites you to join us for a Family Fun evening at our Beetle Drive Saturday 13th August from 5.30 to 9 pm Adults - £3, Children under 12 - £1 Refreshments available

Fantastic Beasts ‘The Secrets of Dumbledore’

Wereham Village Hall

Bar opens 6.45pm Programme begins 7.30pm Tickets (Over 16’s) £5 (12 – 16) £3 Available on line or from the village hall (10am to 3pm) & on the door Wereham Village Hall CIO, Registered Charity Number 1168472 Funding for the cinema project was provided through WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund

£3 – £5

Carboot and Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Main Hall – monthly Wereham Car Boot and Cafe is held on the last Sunday of every month, 8.00am until 1pm. Cafe opens from 8am. We serve Bacon Rolls, Sausage in a Roll or Egg in a Roll. There is always plenty of tea and coffee on offer. A Children’s Playground and a warm and […]

Wereham Yard Sales

Wereham Village Hall

£5 per yard - to book your place and get on the map, phone Doreen on 01366 500218, the Village Hall on 01366 502214 (or just pop in) Maps and Refreshments will be available from the Village Hall, from 8am-1pm A great opportunity to clear your loft and earn some money, and to get those […]

Craft Group

Wereham Village Hall

MEETS ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH – 10:30am-1pm Learn New Skills, Share Ideas, Create New Friendships … for more information, please call Rosemary on 01366 501330


Wereham Dodgeball

Wereham Village Hall

If you are looking for a fun, inclusive and safe environment for your child to keep active then come along to one of our sessions! Wereham Village Hall, PE33 9AP 17:00-18:00 - Thursday Evenings £3.50 per child We are looking forward to an exciting year, filled with fixtures against other teams and tournaments in the […]

Afternoon Tea & Downton Abbey ‘A New Era’ Movie

Wereham Village Hall

Programme begins 3.30pm, bar opens after tea Admission by ticket only £8 Available from the village hall (10am to 3pm) & online (until Thursday 15th September 10am) Wereham Village Hall CIO, Registered Charity Number 1168472 Funding for the cinema project was provided through WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund


Ticket events are payable from the village hall staff members between 9.00 and 3pm weekdays only. Some tickets may be available on the door. We regret that we are unable to refund un-used tickets.