Wereham Village Hall

Soothing Soundbath

Wereham Village Hall

Soothing Sunday Sound bath Sunday 3rd November Wereham Village Hall Doors open 2.15pm Take time out of the busy to step into the calm. Guided meditation & soundbath £16  per person for 90 minutes of time for yourself includes refreshing drink afterwards To find out more & to book please head to robynwren.co.uk/sound baths robynwren22 Ages 16 +. PLEASE NOTE: Sound […]

Pop Up Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Serving a choice of hot drinks and home-made cakes and pastries for £2.00 and for a wholesome lunch at just £3.00. BRING YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS : EVERYONE’S WELCOME All proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Registered Charity No 1168472 For further information call Doreen on 01366 500218

Grief support for carers & relatives

Wereham Village Hall

“With The End In Mind” N o v e m b e r  1 2 t h  2 0 2 4 @ 2 . 1 5 - 3 . 4 5  Wereham Village Hall, PE33 9AP Manifesting in so many ways . . . sadness, heaviness, shock, anger and even denial - often arriving in […]

Christmas Craft Fair

Wereham Village Hall

Christmas Craft fair  Saturday, 23rd November at WEREHAM VILLAGE HALL 10am-4pm A great selection of quality handcrafted goods, lots of fabulous gift ideas for friends and family - and maybe a treat or two for yourself too! Freshly made Filled Bread Rolls, Tasty Home-made Soup with a warm bread roll Tea, Coffee and Cakes - […]

Nelson’ s Shanytmen – SOLD OUT

Wereham Village Hall

Nelson's Shantymen are back! at Wereham Village Hall on Sunday, 24th November Playing 2 x 1 hour sessions (4-5pm and 5:30-6:30pm)  - Tea at 3pm Tickets £10 (including Tea, Coffee, and home-baked cakes) Available from the Village Hall office 01366 502214 or call Angela on 07535 399883 Bar Open too - to help you to […]

Carboot & Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Main Hall – monthly Wereham Car Boot and Cafe is held on the first Sunday of every month, 8.00am until 1pm. Cafe opens from 8am. We serve Bacon Rolls, Sausage in a Roll or Egg in a Roll. There is always plenty of tea and coffee on offer. A Children’s Playground and a warm and […]

Soothing Soundbath

Wereham Village Hall

Soothing Sunday Sound bath Sunday 1st December Wereham Village Hall Doors open 2.15pm Take time out of the busy to step into the calm. Guided meditation & soundbath £16  per person for 90 minutes of time for yourself includes refreshing drink afterwards To find out more & to book please head to robynwren.co.uk/sound baths robynwren22 Ages 16 +. PLEASE NOTE: Sound […]

Pop Up Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Serving a choice of hot drinks and home-made cakes and pastries for £2.00 and for a wholesome lunch at just £3.00. BRING YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS : EVERYONE’S WELCOME All proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Registered Charity No 1168472 For further information call Doreen on 01366 500218

Tech Skills

Wereham Village Hall

Wereham Village Hall has joined with Tech Skills for Life (a Norfolk County Council initiative) to offer more support to the local community … • Do you need help with internet shopping ? • Do you need help with fitness apps, or the NHS app ? • Would you like advice on devices (laptops, tablets […]

Prize Bingo

Wereham Village Hall

Doors open 6:45pm eyes down 7:30pm Raffle and refreshments Enquiries to Angela 01366 500115 or Diane 01366 500798 All proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Registered Charity No 1168472

Ticket events are payable from the village hall staff members between 9.00 and 3pm weekdays only. Some tickets may be available on the door. We regret that we are unable to refund un-used tickets.