Wereham Village Hall

Multi Activity Day

Wereham Village Hall

Come and join us for a day of Multi-Activity Fun! JD Coaching are offering two fun-filled multi-activity sessions ahead of the kids returning to school. The activities include Football, Tri Golf, Dodgeball and Cricket. Full details are as follows; Time – 10am – 12:30pm – ages 4 – 7 years old 1pm – 3:30pm – […]


Wereham Summer Fayre

Wereham Village Hall

Sunday 1st September is the day for our wonderful Summer Fayre, which offers something for everyone from children to senior citizens. The cafe is open all day for your hot and cold drinks, bacon rolls and cakes. As well as a variety of hot and cold food stalls to satisfy all your culinary needs, as […]

Quiz Night

Wereham Village Hall

Wereham Village Hall are holding a quiz night and raffle on Friday 6th September 2019. This event starts at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5.00 and includes a hot supper. Please bring your own drinks and glassware. For more information, contact John on 01366 500766 All proceeds go to Wereham Village Hall CIO, Charity Registration number 1168472

Crops in Pots Taster Session

Wereham Village Hall

Come and join us on a fun and free 2 hour taster session. Find out about joining the 5 week course.   You will - Take a cutting, sow some seeds and care for your plants Learn the purpose of plants and what they provide for our planet Find out about the different types of […]

Fisherman’s Friends

Wereham Village Hall

Times: doors open 7.00pm with the main feature starting at 7.45pm Film title: ‘ Fisherman's Friends’. Cert: 12A. Based on a true story. Please note the age rating of this film.   The bar will be open from 7pm with a selection of alcoholic and soft drinks. Tickets prices: Adults £5  Children £3 (Under 15) tickets […]

£3 – £5

Free Voluntary Sector Training

Wereham Village Hall

Introduction to Funding This introduction to Funding session aimed at those new to fundraising to help them develop a comprehensive approach. Tuesday 24th September in West Norfolk from 1pm. To book call 01362 698216 or email office@communityactionnorfolk.org.uk

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Wereham Village Hall

Come along to our coffee morning Saturday 28th September at the Village hall.  Donations of cakes and raffle prizes would be much appreciated. Every penny we raise means Macmillan can help more people with cancer live life as fully as they can. Cakes, cuppas and cash at the ready. Any enquiries please contact 07535 399883.

Draining the Fens

Wereham Village Hall

A talk by Andrew Newton of Ely Internal Drainage board at the Village hall. Come and hear how the fens were drained, how the drainage board manages them today and have your questions answered. There will be no charge for this event although donations are invited for the Village heritage Group. Tea, Coffee and Biscuits […]

Party Night Dance with Gravel Road

Wereham Village Hall

Saturday 19th October 8pm until 12pm dancing to the live music from Gravel Road. Bar.... buffet....raffle Tickets £10 per head including finger buffet (kids under 11 go free) available online  now or from the Village hall, Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm All proceeds to Wereham Village hall CIO, registered no 1168472  

Free – £10

Red Joan

Wereham Village Hall

Times: doors open 7.00pm with the main feature starting at 7.45pm Film title: ‘ Red Joan’. Cert: 12. Please note the age rating of this film.   The bar will be open from 7pm with a selection of alcoholic and soft drinks. Tickets prices: Adults £5  Children £3 (Under 15) tickets available until 1pm online then […]

£3 – £5

Ticket events are payable from the village hall staff members between 9.00 and 3pm weekdays only. Some tickets may be available on the door. We regret that we are unable to refund un-used tickets.