Wereham Village Hall

Carboot and Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Main Hall – monthly Wereham Car Boot and Cafe is held on the last Sunday of every month, 8.00am until 1pm. Cafe opens from 8am. We serve Bacon Rolls, Sausage in a Roll or Egg in a Roll. There is always plenty of tea and coffee on offer. A Children’s Playground and a warm and […]

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Wereham Village Hall

Notice of Annual General Meeting  of Wereham Village Hall CIO on Monday 6th September 2021 in Wereham Village Hall  (6.45 pm arrival for 7.00 pm)  

Art Classes

Wereham Village Hall

Every Wednesday starting 6th October 2pm until 3:30pm Contact Lisa for further information 07761 017718

Sunday Afternoon Tea Dance

Wereham Village Hall

Live music by Stuart Burr Sunday 19th September 2.30 - 5.30pm (doors open 2pm) £6 per person including refreshments Booking essential telephone or text 07925 152252


Wereham Village Hall

SUNDAY, 19TH SEPT SUNDAY, 24TH OCT SUNDAY, 14TH NOV SUNDAY, 12TH DEC 7PM START What are the benefits of a Gong Sound Bath? A Gong Sound Bath is one of the most effective forms of relaxation and lasts for about 1 hour. All that’s required of yourself is to turn up, lie down and relax.The […]

Car boot and Cafe

Wereham Village Hall

Main Hall – monthly Wereham Car Boot and Cafe is held on the last Sunday of every month, 8.00am until 1pm. Cafe opens from 8am. We serve Bacon Rolls, Sausage in a Roll or Egg in a Roll. There is always plenty of tea and coffee on offer. A Children’s Playground and a warm and […]

Dance Night

Wereham Village Hall

Saturday 9th October 21 7.30pm until 11.15pm Cash bar and raffle plus a irish bingo Bring your own nibbles Admissions £6 per head kids under 11 accompanied by parent(s) go free Tickets from Ron Thursday morning at the hall or telephone on 01406 350732 / 07554 008221 to book Raffle and Irish Bingo proceeds will […]

Sunday Afternoon Tea Dance

Wereham Village Hall

Live music by Stuart Burr 2.30 - 5.30pm (doors open 2pm) £6 per person including refreshments Booking essential telephone or text 07925 152252

Gong Sound Baths

Wereham Village Hall

SUNDAY, 24TH OCT SUNDAY, 14TH NOV SUNDAY, 12TH DEC 7PM START What are the benefits of a Gong Sound Bath? A Gong Sound Bath is one of the most effective forms of relaxation and lasts for about 1 hour. All that’s required of yourself is to turn up, lie down and relax.The ‘bath' element refers […]

Cinema Night is Back!!!!!

Wereham Village Hall

'The Father' Rated PG Friday 29th October Bar opens 7pm Programme starts 7.45pm Tickets: £5 Adults £3 Juniors (under 15) Wereham Village Hall CIO, Registered Charity Number 1168472 Funding for the cinema project was provided through WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund  

£3 – £5

Ticket events are payable from the village hall staff members between 9.00 and 3pm weekdays only. Some tickets may be available on the door. We regret that we are unable to refund un-used tickets.