Wereham Village Hall


Wereham Village Hall

Times: doors open 7.00pm with the main feature starting at 7.45pm Film title: ‘ Yesterday’. Cert: 12. Please note the age rating of this film.   The bar will be open from 7pm with a selection of alcoholic and soft drinks. Tickets prices: Adults £5  Children £3 (Under 15) tickets available until 1pm online then on […]

£3 – £5

Easter Prize Bingo

Wereham Village Hall

Easter Cash prize Bingo Doors open at 6.30pm, eyes down at 7.30pm Drinks and snacks will be available to purchase as well as raffle tickets that will be drawn on the evening. Contact Doreen on 01366 500218 All proceeds to Wereham Village Hall CIO Charity Registration No 1168472

Valentines Dance with Ricky Solo

Wereham Village Hall

I sing a variety of songs ranging from the 80's 90's & today's with Rock 'n' Roll / Pop / Cheesy tunes & Many more to get you up on your feet. You Don't Want To Miss * BEEN ON TV * •• X-Factor (Bootcamp 2014) •• Britains Got Talent (Birmingham NEC 2015) •• Come […]

£3 – £6

Downton Abbey

Wereham Village Hall

On sale from Saturday 25th January 2020 Times: doors open 6.45pm with the main feature starting at 7.30pm Film title: ‘ Downton Abbey’. Cert: PG. Please note the age rating of this film. The bar will be open from 7pm with a selection of alcoholic and soft drinks. Tickets prices: Adults £5 Children £3 (Under […]

£3 – £5

Knives Out

Wereham Village Hall

On sale from Saturday 21st March 2020 Times: doors open 6.45pm with the main feature starting at 7.30pm Film title: ‘ Knives Out’. Cert: 12A. Please note the age rating of this film. The bar will be open from 7.00pm with a selection of alcoholic and soft drinks. Tickets prices: Adults £5 Children £3 (Under […]

£3 – £5

Quiz Night

Wereham Village Hall

Wereham Village Hall are holding a quiz night and raffle on Saturday 25th April 2020. This event starts at 7.30pm.   Tickets are £5.00 and includes a hotdog supper.   Please bring your own drinks and glassware.   For more information and to book a table please contact:- The Village Hall Office on 01366 502214 […]

VE Day 75th Anniversary

Wereham Village Hall

VE day 75th Anniversary, a shared moment of celebration. Sunday 10th May at 4.00pm. Dance, sing and join in!! Bring your own picnic tea. 1940s dress is optional Book early to avoid disappointment. Tickets are £3 for adults and £1 for children under 12. Available from Wereham Heritage group members, Doreen, Greg, Wendy and Nicola […]

Military Wives

Wereham Village Hall

Bar opens at 6:45pm. Programme starts at 7:30pm Adults £5, Juniors (over 12 years) £3 (Sorry but no under 12s allowed) Tickets must be purchased in advance either online or from the village hall (weekdays 10am to 3pm) but not on the door. Wereham Village Hall CIO, Registered Charity Number 1168472 Funding for the cinema […]

£3 – £5

Macmillan Covid Secure Prize Bingo

Wereham Village Hall

Come and join us for a fun-packed evening in our Covid secure hall. Refreshments available and raffle. Donations for raffle prizes are most welcome. Pre-booking is essential, call Angela on 07535 399883

Ballroom and Popular Sequence Tea Dance

Wereham Village Hall

Live music by Stuart Burr Sunday 18th October 2.30 - 5.30pm (doors open 2pm) £6 per person including refreshments Booking essential telephone or text 07925 152252

Ticket events are payable from the village hall staff members between 9.00 and 3pm weekdays only. Some tickets may be available on the door. We regret that we are unable to refund un-used tickets.